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Swedish Genealogical Society of Minnesota
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New Membership
MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS: Login and click on Your Profile under
Members Area
. If your membership is due within 45 days or has recently expired, a red banner will appear. Click on Renew Membership and another screen will open for you to renew your membership.
the directions below to join or restart your membership if it has been expired for more than one year.
The Online Join method will allow you to fill in your member profile information and choose your logon credentials. When you use Online Join and electronic payment, you will have immediate access to the “Members Only” content found under Members Area. Once you start the join process you can back out at any time until you hit the final Submit button. NOTE: Remember to fill in your ZIP+4 postal code.
Payment options available when you check out.
Credit card - You do not need a PayPal account to pay with your credit card, just choose the link below the login screen for PayPal that reads – “Don’t have PayPal account?” – and then fill in the information to “Pay with a debit or credit card” and click "
Check out as a guest
PayPal - use your PayPal account.
Check - Online Join will generate an invoice to mail with your check. A
Membership Form
is also available that you can print, fill out and mail with your check to the address on the form for your membership, or to give or renew a Gift Membership to someone else. For mailed forms, please allow 2 weeks for your account to be activated.
Membership Plan:
Select Membership Plan:
Individual - U.S.
Family - U.S.
Individual - Foreign
Family - Foreign
Organization - U.S.
Organization - Foreign
Membership Plans Offered:
Plan Name
Maximum Associated Members
Annual Fee
Individual - U.S.
One adult U.S. resident, the Tidningen quarterly newsletter is mailed, online access to all Tidningen back-issues from 1997-to-present, free admission to quarterly programs and Fika meetings, free access to the Minnesota Genealogical Society Library.
Family - U.S.
Two adults from the same household in the U.S. receive all benefits, one copy of the Tidningen quarterly newsletter is mailed, online access to all Tidningen back-issues from 1997-to-present, free admission to quarterly programs and Fika meetings, free access to the Minnesota Genealogical Society Library.
Individual - Foreign
One adult outside the U.S., the Tidningen quarterly newsletter is mailed, online access to all Tidningen back-issues from 1997-to-present, free admission to quarterly programs and Fika meetings, free access to the Minnesota Genealogical Society Library.
Family - Foreign
Two adults from the same household outside the U.S. receive all benefits, one copy of the Tidningen quarterly newsletter is mailed, online access to all Tidningen back-issues from 1997-to-present, free admission to quarterly programs and Fika meetings, free access to the Minnesota Genealogical Society Library.
Organization - U.S.
Societies and organizations in the U.S., one copy of the Tidningen quarterly newsletter is mailed.
Organization - Foreign
Societies and organizations outside of the U.S., one copy of the Tidningen quarterly newsletter is mailed.
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Did You Know...
You can view the index of Minnesota deaths from 1904 to 2001.
Click here for more details...