Swedish Genealogical Society of Minnesota
Swedish Genealogical Society of Minnesota
Researching Swedes and Swedish Immigration Worldwide


Click on a name/committee, or email info@sgsmn.org with your questions and comments. Email research requests to research@sgsmn.org.
Postal Mail
Anything mailed to this address will be placed in our mail box at the Minnesota Genealogical Society. Once our volunteers collect and process the mail, we'll reply to your correspondence.
Swedish Genealogical Society of Minnesota
1385 Mendota Heights Rd, Ste 100
Mendota Heights, Minnesota 55120-1367

Operating Year: January - December 2024

President: Wayne Dahlsten
Vice President: Curt Carlson
Recording Secretary: Beth Erickson
Treasurer: Karen Lindemoen
Director: Kristin Johnson Burge
Director: Janet Carlson
Director: Shelley Little
Director: John E. Nordale
Director: Bonnie Peterson
Membership: Steve Larson
Volunteer: Wayne Dahlsten
Research Requests: Lynn Fergusson
Tidningen: Cynthia Wentland
Programs: Bob W. Johnson, CG®
Marketing & Communications: Curt Carlson
Facebook: Janet Carlson
Website Editor: Vacant
Webmaster: Bob Rowe

About SGSM

We were founded in March 1983. Membership in the Swedish Genealogical Society of Minnesota, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and a branch of the Minnesota Genealogical Society, is open to everyone interested in celebrating Swedish genealogy, history & culture. Our bylaws state that the purpose of our organization shall be to:
  • Encourage interest in and expand knowledge of Swedish ancestry and heritage
  • Exchange ideas relating to genealogical research and methodology
  • Provide instruction on topics of interest to members
  • Expand awareness of Swedish society and culture
  • Encourage the research and writing of family, emigration/immigration and settlement histories, and publication of Swedish genealogical material
  • Promote multigenerational interest in Swedish genealogy and preservation of research
We have fun and engaging programs with research and translation helpers available. Also, Swedish Research Day is the 3rd Thursday of every month (except December) at the MGS Library staffed with our experienced research team.