Swedish Genealogical Society of Minnesota
Swedish Genealogical Society of Minnesota
Researching Swedes and Swedish Immigration Worldwide


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The Pioneer Woman by Lilly Setterdahl is about a Swedish immigrant named Kristina. After eight years of hard work making bricks for new buildings in Utopia, a religious colony, Kristina is expelled for immoral behavior, while her lover goes unpunished. She is shunned, shamed, and avoids everyone who knows about her past. She enters a marriage of convenience to a widowed farmer with an infant son. Her husband enlists in the Northern Army, leaving Kristina to care for his son and manage the farm. When her husband comes home on furlough, he has nightmares about the war and hits Kristina in his sleep. During the day, she hides her bruises. She can't help feeling relieved when her husband returns to his regiment. If the child she carries will live, it will be the first of the four children she has birthed. She has never loved her husband, but her stepson loves him, and she loves David. It is her responsibility to manage the farm, but economic depressions and crop failures will mean a struggle for survival. From $16.49 in paperback. Buy Amazon.  

Domestic Secrets: Women and Property in Sweden, 1600-1857 (Studies in Legal History), by Maria Ågren
Between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, women's roles in the Swedish economy was renegotiated and reconceptualized. Maria Ågren chronicles changes in  married women's property rights, revealing the story of Swedish women's property as not just a simple narrative of the erosion of legal rights, but a more complex talke of unintended consequences.
From $47.50 in paperback.  Buy Amazon.

Men of Terror: A Comprehensive Analysis of Viking Combat, by William R. Short and Reynir A. Óskarson
Based on nearly two decades of research, Men of Terror: A Comprehensive Analysis of Viking Combat is a richly illustrated interdisciplinary study of the heart of Viking society: weapons and combat. Relying on a vast array of sources from a wide range of fields, research scientist William R. Short and independent scholar and martial arts instructor Reynir A. Óskarson dig deep into the culture of men like Fraði to better understand the mindset and performance of Viking warriors that led them to venerate and praise acts of violence and aggression.
Through their comprehensive research, the authors present a holistic picture of this society from what previously had only been disparate and intriguing parts. By the end of the book, the reader will understand the importance of combat to Viking society, the nature of that combat, and the code of these “men of terror.”  From $45.68 in hardcover. Buy Amazon.

The Great Storm: Minnesota’s Victims in the Blizzard of January 7, 1873, by Carolyn Mankell Sowinski
On January 7-9, 1873, Minnesota residents experienced a violent blizzard when dozens of people died primarily on the State’s flat, tree-less prairies. Minnesota native Carolyn Mankell Sowinski takes the reader back 150 years and tells the stories of these victims using primary documents and secondary sources in her latest book. She has identified 84 people from 31 western and southern counties who died in this storm: men and women; children and babies; Civil War veterans and recent immigrants; homesteaders and villagers; state residents and visitors. Sowinski also tells the stories of 25 people who suffered amputations and other life-changing injuries.From $25.00 for paperback. Buy Amazon.

Husförhörslängder, Swedish Household Examination Records: Framing the Solutions to Your Swedish Ancestry Puzzles, by Robert W. Johnson and  Elizabeth Williams Gomoll
Household Examination Records are the foundation of your Swedish ancestral search. Each chapter is devoted to a specific column in the HH Examination Record, and the history and purpose of the column is explained. The authors examine the abbreviations, symbols, and other markings used by the priests in this record to make your research more complete. From $29.95 for paperback. Buy Amazon.

A Practical Guide to Swedish Church Records, by Geoffrey Fröberg Morris
The reader of this book is taken from the very beginning of a person search, and goes through their birth, marriage, household examination, moving in and out and death record. Along the research way, the author gives us the history and reasons for each record. Photos of each of these records from differenct time periods and different counties gives a broad view and explanations of the old script and language used in the records. From $29.95 for paperback and $34.99 for hardcover. Buy Amazon 

Explore Your Swedish Heritage, by Håkan Skogsjö
This book familiarizes the researcher with the online service, ArkivDigital, which has created a multitude of registers and indexes and offers online access to newly photographed color images of the Swedish historical records. From $35.00 for hardcover.  Buy Amazon

Children of Ash and Elm, by Neil Price
This book is the definitive history of the Vikings and their time.  The author, Neil Price, has been studying Viking culture for 35 years, and wanted, through this book, to present the story of the Vikings on their own terms, not through the distorted lens of others throughout history. From $19.99 on Kindle and $25.91 for hardcover. Buy Amazon 


The Family Tree Scandinavian Genealogy Guide: How to Trace Your Ancestors in Denmark, Sweden and Norway, by David A. Fryxell
From Janet Carlson's review in Tidningen: "While covering all the basics of researching the records of all three countries, it also gives overviews of the histories of the countries, provides pointers on writing your own family history, and is full of links to websites that can expand your online research exponentially." From $17.99 on Kindle and $18.99 for paperback. Buy Amazon 


Swede Hollow: A Novel, by Ola Larsmo
A riveting family saga immersed in the gritty, dark side of Swedish immigrant life in America in the early twentieth century. From $14.55 on Kindle and $16.95 for paperback. Buy Amazon 


The World of Cajsa Andersdotter, by Bengt Hällgren
This is a non-fictional book which lets the reader follow the fate of an impoverished Swedish family from about 1760 to 1910. It is primarily based on historical facts from sources such as Church Records, Tax Registers, Land Surveryor Notes, General Muster Rolls, and Estate Inventories, but also, to some extent, on tales handed down within the family. From $12.50 for paperback. Buy Amazon 


Swedes in Minnesota, by Anne Gillepsie Lewis, Foreword by Bill Holm
Swedes in Minnesota recounts the story of the great Swedish migration through numbers—in the census reports and settlement patterns. It also tells the story through the cultural institutions Swedes founded—the churches, schools, and lodges, the Swedish-language newspapers and businesses, the neighborhoods and the associations. But mostly this book tells the story through the people: the anecdotes, letters, and interviews from the immigrants themselves and from their grandchildren. For the many Minnesotans of Swedish ancestry, Lewis provides a remarkably concise portrait of an ethnic group striving to become American while struggling to maintain its ties to tradition. From $17.95 for paperback. Buy Amazon