SGSM is a volunteer organization and there are a number of ways you can use your unique talents, interests and skills.
- It takes numerous volunteers to write, proofread, edit, lay out and distribute our Tidningen newsletter to create the award-winning newsletter that you value.
- Volunteers seek out presenters for our programs, conferences and Fikas and work to make them available in person, virtually and on YouTube.
- Volunteers coordinate your research requests and help you find information about your family history.
- Keeping track of membership, managing our library of historical materials, keeping our website current and working with other organizations such as the Minnesota Genealogical Society and Gammelgården are all volunteer efforts that take time.
- Even recruiting and communicating with volunteers is a volunteer effort.
Some of these tasks are small and intermittent, others are larger and ongoing. If you believe you can offer some of your time and energy to work with your fellow members, please respond to president@sgsmn.org to start the conversation. If you don’t know exactly how you could help, please respond anyway so we can start to find a way for you to get involved. Together we can ensure that SGSM continues to meet your needs, improve and grow.
We have a unique volunteer opportunity to be the Tidningen quarterly newsletter Editor. The following is what the position entails.
- Coordinate the activities of the Tidningen Committee, article contributors and Minuteman Press to publish the Tidningen quarterly newsletter in a timely manner.
- Ability to plan and coordinate activities with multiple individuals
- An understanding of the types of topics of interest to SGSM members
- Familiarity with Tidningen heritage and traditions
- Subject knowledge in order to understand an author’s perspective
- A general understanding or willingness to learn the publishing process